HL Deb 21 July 1899 vol 74 cc1497-8

My Lords, I beg to move that the Order of the 9th of March last—"That no Provisional Order Confirmation Bill brought from the House of Commons shall be read a second time after Tuesday, the 27th day of June"—be dispensed with, and that the Bill be now read a second time. This is a Provisional Order made by my Office under the Burgh Police Act, 1892, giving effect to an application on the part of the magistrates of Paisley for an extension of their borrowing powers. The Order was not deposited in the Scottish Office until the 20th of March, but I understand that no blame attaches to the magistrates of Paisley on that ground. As soon as they became aware of the necessity of the work for which this money is to be expended, they made the necessary application, and since that period no time has been lost. The matter was remitted at once to the Sheriff for a local inquiry, and his report was not received until far on in the month of April. We, in the Scottish Office, did not take many days to settle it, but considerable correspondence and adjustment of the Sinking Fund was necessary, and we were not able to sign the Order until June 15. The other House of Parliament suspended its Standing Orders on the understanding that the Bill would be unopposed. There was no opposition in that House, and I have every reason to think there will be no opposition here. I believe that the magistrates and Town Council of Paisley are doing what is best in this matter for those whose interests they have to guard, and I hope that, under the special circumstances, your Lordships will agree to the suspension of the Standing Orders to allow of the Bill being read a second time to-day.

Moved— That the Order of the 9th March last, 'that no Provisional Order Confirmation Bill brought from the House of Commons shall be read a second time after Tuesday, the 27th day of June next,' be dispensed with, and that the Bill be now read 2a.'


My Lords, after the explanation which has been given by the noble Lord, the Secretary for Scotland, I shall not oppose the motion.

On Question, agreed to.

Bill read 2a accordingly.