HL Deb 17 July 1899 vol 74 cc985-6

Order of the day for the Third Reading read.


In moving the Third Reading of this Bill I should like to thank the noble Viscount (Viscount Cross) for the assistance he has given me in bringing the Bill to its present stage. The Bill, as amended, will enable provision to be made for the improvement and regulation of many commons in the country, and I trust that with the assistance of the Government in another place the measure will be placed on the Statute Book during the present session.

Moved, "That the Bill be read 3a."—(Lord Burghclere.)


No one is more anxious than I am to see the Bill pass. I entirely agree that the Bill, as it stands, will greatly cheapen the method of dealing with the regulation of commons, and especially of small commons, throughout the country. I am very glad that the Amendments I have had the honour to move will make the Bill work on safe lines. I hope the Bill may pass through the House of Commons, though, of course, I cannot answer for that. I know it is the anxious wish of the President of the Board of Agriculture that it should pass this session.

On Question, agreed to—

Read 3a, accordingly; Amendments made; Bill passed, and sent to the Commons.