HL Deb 17 February 1899 vol 66 cc1251-2

My Lords, I beg leave to move that a Joint Committee of both Houses be appointed to inquire into the salaries of the permanent staff of both Houses of Parliament, and into the present method of appointment or nomination by any officer of either House; and to report what changes, if any, are suitable in respect thereto. I need preface this Motion with very few words of explanation. Your Lordships are aware that Questions were frequently asked in another place as to the method in which officers of the House of Lords are appointed and paid. I suggested some years ago the desirability of appointing a Joint Committee to inquire into these questions, but my suggestion was not favourably received in another place. It dropped until last year, but, in the meantime, considerable changes have been made. Last year a Motion was made in the House of Commons to appoint a Joint Committee, but that Motion was made so near the end of the Session that no time was left to inquire conveniently into the matter. I ventured, therefore, to suggest that the appointment of the Committee should be postponed to this Session. So far from opposing the appointment of such a Committee, I am glad it is to be appointed, and I think it might save time and trouble if I anticipated the Motion in the House of Commons this year and moved the appointment of the Committee in this House.

Question put.

Motion agreed to.

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