§ Schemes for the management for the following foundations—
- 1. The Foundation Grammar School in the borough of Colchester, founded by charter or letters patent of King Henry VIII., dated 12th November 1559, and re-founded by letters patent of Queen Elizabeth, dated the 6th July 1584;
- 2. The foundation consisting of the Bluecoat School, in the borough of Stockton-on-Tees, in the county of Durham, and all endowments attached thereto or applied for the purpose thereof;
- 3. The foundation called Queen Mary's Schools, in the borough of Walsall, in the county of Stafford, regulated by a scheme made under the En-
44 dowed Schools Acts, 1869, 1873, and 1874, on the 28th July 1893:
§ Laid before the House (pursuant to Act), and to be printed. (No. 1.)