HL Deb 03 August 1899 vol 75 cc1256-7

My Lords, I beg to move for a Return showing, with respect to each union in England and Wales:—

  1. (a.) The rateable value of (1) lands; (2) buildings; (3) railways; and (4) all other kinds of property, according to the valuation lists or other record of assessment last in force during the year ended Lady-day, 1870.
  2. (b.) The gross estimated rental and rateable value of (1) lands; (2) buildings; (3) railways; and (4) all other kinds of rateable property, according to the valuation lists in force in the Metropolis on the 6th day of April, 1894, and in the rest of England and Wales at Lady-day, 1894, and where there were no such lists in force, according to the last poor rate made before such dates respectively.
  3. (c.) The gross estimated rental and rateable value of (1) lands, distinguishing agricultural land from other lands; (2) buildings; (3) railways; and (4) all other kinds of rateable property, according to the valuation lists in force in the Metropolis on the 6th day of April 1899, and in the rest of England and Wales at Lady-day 1899, and where there were no such lists in force, according to the last poor rate made before such dates respectively.
For the purposes of this Return—
  1. (1) "Agricultural land" means the land defined as agricultural land in section nine of the Agricultural Rates Act, 1896; "other lands" should include lands other than agricultural land as above defined, farmhouses and farm buildings, and tithe rent-charges and uncommuted tithes, but should 1257 exclude lands occupied as railways, canals, quarries, &c.:
  2. (2) "Buildings" should include houses (other than farmhouses), shops, ware-houses, mills, factories, docks, wharves, etc.:
  3. (3) "Railways" should include stations and depôts: And
  4. (4) "All other kinds of rateable property" should include quarries, mines, ironworks, gasworks, waterworks, canals, and all other rateable properties which do not properly come under headings (1), (2), and (3).
The Local Government Board have agreed to this Return. It is wanted in connection with the inquiry which is being conducted by the Commission on Local Taxation, over which I have the honour to preside.

On Question, agreed to; Return ordered to be laid before the House.