HL Deb 03 August 1899 vol 75 cc1231-2

Order of the Day for the Second Reading read.


My Lords, this small Bill, which has come up from the other House, is practically a money Bill. It deals solely with the salaries of the Chief Commissioner of Police, the Assistant-Commissioner, and the Receiver. At present those salaries are fixed and limited by Act of Parliament, and are payable out of the Votes; but in order to make them at all adequate for present requirements they are supplemented by a considerable number of allowances, which are out of all proportion to the services for which they are given. This is a very unsatisfactory state of things, and one which it is not desirable should continue. The object of this Bill is to enable the Secretary of State, who has agreed on this point with the Treasury, to give adequate salaries to these officers, and arrange what proportion of their salaries shall be paid out of the Votes, and what proportion shall come out of the Police Fund. It is not thought that this will make any extra charge, or any substantial charge, on the Votes, but it will certainly be an improvement on the present state of things. I do not think, under the circumstances, this being a money Bill, that it is necessary for me to say any more with reference to it, and I beg to move that the Bill be read a second time.

Bill read 2a(according to Order); Committee negatived; then Standing Order No. 39 considered (according to Order), and dispensed with; Bill read 3a, and passed.