HL Deb 30 June 1898 vol 60 cc608-9

The Amendment I have to propose to this clause is also brought forward in consequence of representations made to me by noble Lords interested in the freedom of traction engines as far as possible. Subsection 5 of clause 5 enacts that— The Local Government Board may refuse to consider any appeal under this section with regard to any bridge, if the question raised by the appeal has been already considered by them"— And the words proposed to be added in my Amendment are— Provided that there is no change in the circumstances of the bridge or the traffic. The intention of the Amendment appears to me to be quite right; it is intended to allow the Local Government Board to consider an appeal if some substantial alteration has taken place in the bridge. I do not know whether the noble Lord opposite concurs with my Amendment, or whether he has any suggestion to make as to the exact wording of it. I move— Page 4, line 27, after 'appeal' insert, 'Provided that there is no change in the circumstances of the bridge or the traffic.'


The provision as to refusal is not compulsory; it is permissive. The Local Government Board is not bound to refuse an appeal upon the grounds that the conditions of the bridge have been altered. Again, there is no definition as to what is meant by "the circumstances of the bridge having been altered." This Amendment, if adopted, might give the owners of traction engines an opportunity of pestering the Local Government Board upon any slight alteration. I am at present disinclined to accept the Amendment, and if my noble Friend will not press it now I will give consideration to the matter.


I will not press my Amendment after what has fallen from the noble Lord.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Question put— That this clause stand part of the Bill.

Motion agreed to.

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