HL Deb 23 June 1898 vol 59 cc1174-5

Amendment reported, according to order.

Further Amendment proposed— Page 1, line 10, after '1894' insert— Provided always that such owners, builders, or other parties interested as aforesaid shall not benefit under this section for a period beyond three months after the launching of such ship."—(The Earl Vane.)


Your Lordships will remember that this Bill passed its Second Beading in this House without dissent; but at the same time the noble Lord on the Woolsack informed your Lordships that he would consider himself justified in making suggestions in Committee with regard to this Measure. I approached him on the subject, and with the greatest courtesy and equal justice he pointed out that the Bill was incomplete, inasmuch as no specific time was mentioned between the launching of the vessel and registration. After consultation with friends in another place, who are interested in this matter, we came to the conclusion that, if agreeable to the noble and learned Lord on the Woolsack, I should insert an Amendment providing three months as the period in which registration should take place. I gather that the noble and learned Lord will accept that Amendment, and I hope the Bill will pass without any opposition through your Lordships' House.

Question put.

Amendment agreed to.

Bill ordered to be read a third time tomorrow.