HL Deb 23 June 1898 vol 59 cc1173-4

Amendment proposed— Page 2, line 12, at commencement insert 'in England.'"—(Lord Heneage.)


With regard to the Amendment which I have now to move, the Scotch people have taken exception to the Fishmongers' Company having any jurisdiction in Scotland. We do not want to force upon Scotland what Scotland does not desire to have, and therefore I move the Amendment standing in my name.

Question put.

Amendment agreed to.

Amendment proposed— Page 2, line 14, after 'Scotland' leave out 'also.'"—(Lord Heneage.)

Question put.

Amendment agreed to.

Amendment proposed— Page 2, line 16, after 'Ireland' leave out 'also.'"—(Lord Heneage.)

Question put.

Amendment agreed to.

Amendments made; Bill recommitted to the Standing Committee, and to be printed as amended.