HL Deb 20 June 1898 vol 59 c726

"Sub-section 4, page 3, line 32, insert 'or' after 'supply.'"

"After sub-section 4, line 32, insert the following sub-section— (4a) To interfere with or affect the lawful exercise of any rights of using, impounding, or diverting water without the assent of the owner or owners of such rights. New clause to be inserted after clause 6— Any person on whose land any such works are proposed to be constructed, or from whose land any such obstruction is proposed to be removed, or whose land is proposed to be entered upon by any county council, or their officers or servants, as aforesaid, may petition the Local Government Board, who may, if they think fit, issue an order to stay any action by any county council under this Act, and may hold an inquiry and make such order as may seem to them expedient."—(Lord Zouche of Haryngworth.)


My Lords, with regard to the Amendments, standing in my name on the Paper, it has been intimated to me that the noble and learned Lord who has charge of this Bill [Lord Thring] has not had time to thoroughly read these Amendments, or to consider them. They were sent in late, and did not reach him in time. It has, therefore, been suggested that it would be more convenient to postpone the consideration of them to the Standing Committee. If that course meets with your Lordships' approbation, I desire to withdraw them for the present.

Amendments, by leave, withdrawn.

Bill passed through Committee.

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