HL Deb 25 July 1898 vol 62 cc1051-2

Amendment proposed— Page 58, line 26, after 'surveyor,' insert 'who shall be the surveyor to the rural district councils comprised within the area of the county.' "—(Viscount de Vesci.)


My Lords, I put this Amendment down because of the difficulty which has been experienced by boards of guardians in getting properly qualified surveyors, architects, and clerks of works to carry out the sanitary works under those boards. I do not wish to make any unnecessary accusation, but there is great risk in regard to the lower class of men, who are not so well trained and educated, of getting those who will not be independent of other considerations. Some have been known to be in collusion with contractors. My desire is that these important works should be carried out by competent and educated officials Of course, my Amendment will probably necessitate an increase being made in the salaries of the county surveyors, but if the salaries of these officials were increased to the maximum it would not be money thrown away.


My Lords, I have much sympathy with the desire of the noble Lord to procure adequate supervision for all the public works in the country. This Amendment has been considered with every desire to meet it as far as could be, but it is not thought desirable to seek to put a county surveyor under a divided authority, and to give him a divided allegiance. This is a matter that will settle itself, as every county council will be anxious that the county surveyor should give the benefit of his experience to any works needed by the county. The assistant county surveyors will also be available. The head authority is the county council, and I think it is best to give them full supervision and control of their officers.


I beg to withdraw my Amendment.

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Question put— That clause 81 stand part of the Bill.

Motion agreed to.