HL Deb 25 July 1898 vol 62 cc987-8

Amendment proposed— Page 5, line 10, after 'partly,' insert 'or wholly.'"—(Lord Ashbourne.)

Question put.

Amendment agreed to.

Amendment proposed— Page 5, line 15, after 'roads,' insert 'and any road not mentioned in such declaration shall cease to be a main road.'"—(Lord Ashbourne.)

Question put.

Amendment agreed to.

Amendment proposed— Page 6, after sub-section 12, insert as a new sub-section— Subject to the approval of the Local Government Board, and in accordance with prescribed rules, the county council may impose a tax or licence duty on traction engines using main or other roads within the county, and all moneys collected thereby shall be applied towards the maintenance of the roads used by such engines."—(Lord Macnaghten.)


As your Lordships know, some traction engines carry no less than 30 tons and seriously injure the roads. I think it is only right that a tax or license-duty should be imposed on traction engines, and I hope my noble and learned Friend will accept this Amendment.


The Amendment of my noble Friend has only been circulated just now, but it strikes me with terrible suspicion that it is out of order. I am afraid that, inasmuch as it amounts to a proposal to impose taxation, it trenches on the sacred ground of privilege.


Perhaps my noble and learned Friend will consider the point?


Oh, certainly!

Amendment, by leave, withdrawn.

Question put— That clause 8, as amended, be added to the Bill.

Motion agreed to.

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