HL Deb 05 August 1898 vol 64 cc251-2

On the Order for the consideration of Commons' Amendments to Lords' Amendments, and Commons' reasons for disagreeing to certain of the Lords' Amendments,


My Lords, I move that your Lordships agree with the Amendments made by the Commons.


My Lords, I should like to ask if it is according to custom to take a series of Amendments, and agree to them en bloc.


My Lords, I have no intention of introducing any new practice. The first is an Amendment with reference to malicious injuries, and all that was done in the House of Commons was to strike out the privilege Amendment with reference to the charge, and to substitute for that the restriction that the Act shall rot extend the application of the sections referred to of the Grand Juries Act, 1836, to any case except where the malicious act done was a crime punishable on indictment under the Malicious Damage Act, 1861. There has also been a moderate Amendment made in the clause with reference to ancient monuments, which does not in the slightest degree interfere with its effect or construction, although it gives a slightly wider aspect to it. Then there is an Amendment which carries out what was intended with reference to the constitution of guardians, and next comes an Amendment putting into better drafting form the Amendment which was moved by my noble Friend the Earl a Arran, and accepted by the Government. The Commons' Amendment does not substantially alter the meaning or intention of the noble Earl's Amendment. There are other Amendments of a more or less drafting character, which nearly carry out what was intended, and I ask your Lordships to agree to those Amendments

Question put.

Amendments agreed to.


My Lords, the Commons disagree to the following Amendments— Page 16, line 16, after ' council,' insert 'and in the case of the borough of Galway the Galway Town Improvement Commissioners. Page 16, line 27, after borough,' insert 'and to the Galway Town Improvement Commissioners.' Page 93, line 19, after 'Cork,' insert ' Galway'; because they create a new rating area. The Commons consider that it is unnecessary to offer any further reason. As it is clear that the Amendments do set up a new rating authority, I move that your Lordships do not insist upon the Amendments to which the Commons disagree.

Question put.

Motion agreed to.