HL Deb 29 July 1897 vol 51 cc1446-7
  1. (1.) The school board of any district may, subject to regulations made by the Education Department under this Act, pay out of the school fund—
    1. (a.) the reasonable expenses of any members of the board, or of the clerk to the board, in attending any conference of school boards held for the purpose of discussing any matter connected with the duties devolving upon them; and
    2. (b) any reasonable annual or other subscription towards the expenses of the conference.
  2. (2.) A school board shall not pay under this Act the expenses of more than three persons attending a school board conference.
  3. (3.) The Education Department may make such regulations as they think fit for regulating payments by school boards under this Act.
  4. (4.) Expressions used in this Act have the same respective meanings as they have in the Elementary Education Acts 1870 to 1893.

moved in Sub-section (3), after the words, "make such regulations as they think fit for regulating payments," to insert the words, "and the amount of payments." He proposed this Amendment with a view of meeting the objections which had been raised to the holding of more than one of the proposed conferences a year.


said he thought the Amendment would render the Bill more intelligible.

Amendment agreed to.

Bill passed, and returned to the Commons.

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