HL Deb 23 July 1897 vol 51 c878

(1.) Where any pauper lunatic is in an institution for lunatics other than the asylum of the local authority within whose area is situate wholly or partly the union to which he is chargeable or the place from which he is sent, and the expenses which the guardians of any union are required to pay in respect of the lunatic are thereby increased beyond those which would have been payable by them if he had been sent to that asylum, the guardians shall be entitled to recover the additional expenses as a debt from that local authority.

(2.) Any expenses properly incurred by the guardians of a union in relation to a pauper lunatic who is chargeable to some other union, shall be recoverable summarily as a civil debt from the guardians of the littler union.

Amendments made: After the word "Where" leave out "any," and insert— by reason of a lord authority not haying an asylum or of deficiency of accommodation in the asylum of a local authority a,

Leave out the words— in an institution for lunatics other than the asylum of the local authority within whose area is situate wholly or partly the union to which he is chargeable, or the place from which he is sent, and, and insert the words "sent to some other institution for lunatics."

Leave out "that asylum" and insert "the asylum of that local authority."—(Lord Chancellor.)

Clause 32,—