HL Deb 15 July 1897 vol 51 cc142-3 (1.) Where any pauper lunatic is in an institution fur lunatics, other than the asylum of the local authority within whose area is situate wholly or partly the union to which he is chargeable or the place from which he is sent, and the expenses which the guardians of any union are required to pay in respect of the lunatic are thereby increased beyond those which would have been payable by them if he had been sent to that asylum, the guardians shall be entitled to recover the additional expenses as a debt from that local authoriy.

said he did not know on what ground the noble Earl opposite (Earl. Russell) wanted to postpone it for two years.


said the reason was very simple. The clause would involve in many cases a fairly large fiscal change; and all asylum, costing, as many in London did, £500,000, could not be built in three years. Two asylums were now being built as rapidly as possible, and it would seem somewhat inequitable when they were trying as quickly as possible to overtake the arrears of the growth of lunacy, suddenly to put on the county a very much larger charge. Under the state of circumstances that obtained, he thought it would be more fair to the persons concerned to give more time for a financial re-adjustment by postponing the operation of the clause until the date he had named in his Amendment.


thought that was an unreasonably long time. The case the noble Lord had urged would be properly considered, but the operation of the section ought not to be postponed for two years.


Would the noble and learned Lord accept 1898?


I think you bad better leave it as it is.


said he would not press his Amendment now.


said it seemed to him there was a matter of justice. It was unfair that the guardians in a particular case should have to pay the additional amount, and he did not see why they should not have an opportunity of recovering it as soon as possible.

Clause ordered to stand part of the Bill; remaining clauses and the schedules ordered to stand part of the Bill; Bill re-committed to the Standing Committee; and to be printed as amended.—(No. 158.)