HL Deb 09 July 1897 vol 50 cc1446-7

1. After the passing of this Act an assignment or transfer of the right of patronage or presentation to any benefice or cure of souls shall be void, unless notice of the intended assignment or transfer, and of the name of the transferee, shall have been given to the diocesan registrar for four weeks before the completion of the said assignment or transfer, and until a copy of the deed of assignment or transfer shall Lace been deposited in the Diocesan Registry.

THE ARCHBISHOP OF YORK moved to insert after the word "souls," the words— not being a transmission by death or by operation of law, or consequent upon a change of trustee. He explained that the Amendment was intended to exempt from the operation of the Bill three cases in which its operation might be vexatious or injurious—namely, transmission by death, operation by law, or change of trustee. The exemptions were reasonable, and he was indebted to those noble and learned Lords who had suggested them to him.

Amendment agreed to.

THE ARCHBISHOP OF YORK moved to insert after the word "transfer," the words "so far as it relates to the said right of nomination or presentation." In pursuance of this Amendment it would not be necessary that the whole instrument should be registered, but only that portion of it which referred to the transfer of the patronage.

Amendment agreed to. Bill passed, and sent to the Commons.