HL Deb 02 July 1897 vol 50 c945

Notwithstanding anything in this Act or in any of the scheduled Acts, it shall be competent for the Commissioners of any of the townships supplied with water by the Corporation to apply to the Corporation to be supplied with water for all purposes at the uniform rate or price of twopence and four-tenths of a penny for every thousand gallons so supplied, and the Corporation shall thereupon be bound to afford the supply on such terms as aforesaid instead of on the terms as to payment provided by the scheduled Acts:

Provided that after the expiration of ten years front the passing of this Act the rate or price named in this section may on the application of the Commissioners of any township or of the Corporation be revised by the Board of Trade after such local or other inquiry as the Board may think fit.

To leave out the word "ten" ("ten years") and insert the word "three" ("three years").

Clause 10,—