HL Deb 02 July 1897 vol 50 c948

said this was a short Bill of only two clauses. It was purely an amending Bill. Last year an Act was passed of a very beneficial nature enabling Poor Law officers to obtain superannuation without touching public moneys in any shape or form. This Act applied to all officers under the Poor Law, and it now appeared that there were classes of officers, especially nurses in the infirmaries, who did not wish to be bound in that way, and very naturally so, because, of course, the nurses did not wish to begin and end their career under the Poor Law. These two clauses provided, the one that the nurses should not be bound by the Act, and the other that any money which had been deducted from their salaries in conformity with the provisions should be returned to them.


said that, in the absence of Lord Harris, he had to say, on behalf of the Local Government Board, that they had no objection whatever to this Bill.

Read 2a (according to Order), and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Monday next.