HL Deb 03 August 1897 vol 52 cc180-1

It shall be lawful for the Board, whenever it may seem fitting to them, to appoint some person or persons, not being a member or members of the Board, to act as a commissioner or commissioners for the purpose of conducting any special inquiry for a limited period, and to report thereon; and the Board shall delegate to every person so appointed for the purpose of conducting such inquiry such of the powers of the Board as they may deem necessary or expedient for summoning or examining witnesses and havers, and otherwise conducting such inquiry; and it shall not be necessary to notify the appointment of any such commissioner otherwise than by intimating the same by letter under the hand of the secretary or of any member of the Board to the sheriff of the county within which the inquiry in question is to be made; and every such commissioner shall be reimbursed by the Board for all expenses necessarily incurred by him in conducting such inquiry, and shall also receive such reasonable remuneration for his time and trouble as may have been agreed upon between him and the said Board, and approved of by the Treasury.

Amendment made: After "examining," insert "on oath."—(Lord Balfour.)

Clauses 9 to 17 inclusive ordered to stand part of the Bill.

Clause 18,—