HL Deb 03 August 1897 vol 52 c175


107. In every Local Bill by which any second class work is authorised, a clause shall be inserted to the effect that in case such work be not completed, within a period to be limited, all the powers and authorities given by the Bill shall thenceforth cease and determine, save only as to so much of such work as has been completed within such time, with such provisions and qualifications as the nature of the case shall require. Such period shall not exceed in the case of a new railway five years, of a new tramroad three years, and of a new tramway two years, and in the case of extension of time for the completion of a railway three years, of a tramroad two years, and of a tramway one year, unless the Committee on the Bill think fit, in the special circumstances of the case, to allow a longer period. In the case of extension of time the additional period shall be computed from the expiration of the period sought to be extended.