HL Deb 03 August 1897 vol 52 cc176-7




WE beg to inform you that application is intended to be made to Parliament in the ensuing Session for "An Act" [here insert the title of the Act], and that the property mentioned in the annexed schedule, Part I. or some part thereof, in which we understand you are interested as therein stated, will be liable to be taken compulsorily for the purposes of the said undertaking [and that the property mentioned in the annexed schedule, Part II., in which we understand you are interested as therein stated, will be liable to have an improvement charge imposed upon it.]

We also beg to inform you that a plan and section of the said undertaking, with a book of reference thereto, have been or will be deposited with the several clerks of the peace [or principal sheriff clerks as the case may be] of the counties of [specify the counties in which the property is situate] on or before the 30th of November, and that copies of so much of the said plan and section as relates to the parish [or extra parochial place, other area in accordance with the terms of Standing Order 29 as the case may be], in which your property is situate, with a book of reference thereto, have been or will be deposited for public inspection with the [clerk of the said parish, clerk or chairman of the parish council of the said parish, clerk of the parish of adjoining to such extra parochial place, clerk of the vestry of the parish of clerk of the district beard of clerk of the parish council town clerk of the Royal burgh, or clerk of the union in which such parish is included or other officer in the said Order respectively mentioned, as the case may be], on or before the 30th day of November, on which plan your properly is designated by the numbers set forth in the annexed schedule.

Parish, or other area as the case may be, Township, Townland, or extra parochial Place. Number on Plans. Description. Owner. Lessee. Occupier.
Property which may be taken compulsorily.
Property on which an improvement charge may be imposed.