§ LORD BELPER, in moving the Second Reading of this Bill, explained that it proposed to amend the Dangerous Performances Act of 1879 by raising the age at which children could take part in those performances from 14 to 18 years in the case of females, and 16 years in the case of males, and instead of allowing proceedings to be instituted on the information of any informer, it was provided that the consent of the chief officer of police of the area in which the alleged offence was committed should be first obtained.
THE EARL OF KIMBERLEYthought there could be no objection to the Bill, because, while it made restrictions on a legitimate employment, it prevented malicious and annoying prosecutions on the part of faddists, of whom there was a large number in this country.
§ Read 2a (according to Order): Then (Standing Orders Nos, XXXIX. and XLV. having been suspended) Bill committed to a Committee of the whole House forthwith; Bill reported, without Amendment; Read 3a, and passed.