HL Deb 12 May 1896 vol 40 cc1120-1

(5.) If no memorial shall be presented as aforesaid the Order shall become final and have the effect of an Act of Parliament.

(6.) If a memorial has been presented to the Secretary for Scotland, together with a deposit of the prescribed amount (being such an amount only as will in the opinion of the Secretary for Scotland be sufficient to cover the expenses of the confirmation of the Order by Parliament if no further step is taken in the Opposition), it shall be lawful for the Secretary for Scotland, as soon as conveniently may be, to obtain confirmation, and the Act confirming such Order shall be deemed to be a Public General Act of Parliament.

(7.) Every such Confirmation Bill shall, after the Second Heading in the House in which it originates, be referred to a Select Committee, or, if the two Houses of Parliament think fit so to order, to a Joint Committee, or a Standing Joint Committee of such Houses.

(8.) If, before the expiration of seven days after the Second Reading of any such Confirmation Bill in the House in which it originates, a petition is presented against any Order comprised therein, the petitioner shall be allowed to appear and oppose by himself, his agents and witnesses; but the Select Committee, or the Joint Committee, as the case may be, shall not, except on special cause shown, hear counsel, or more than one expert witness on either side.

(9.) The Committee, by a majority, may award costs, which shall, unless the Committee otherwise direct, include all costs from the date of the memorial, and may direct the return of the deposit, or any part of it, if they think fit.