HL Deb 12 May 1896 vol 40 c1121

(11.)—(a.) Any question of disputed compensation under an Order or Provisional Order made under this section shall be referred to the arbitration of a sole arbiter appointed by the parties, or if the parties do not concur in the appointment of a sole arbiter then, on the application of either of them, by the Board, and the remuneration to be paid to the arbiter shall be fixed by the Board. An arbiter appointed under this sub-section shall be deemed to be a sole arbiter within the meaning of the Lands Clauses Acts, and the provisions of those Acts with respect to an arbitration shall apply accordingly; and the arbiter shall, notwithstanding anything in the said Acts, determine the amount of the expenses in the arbitration, and such determination shall be final; and

(b.) In construing for the purposes of this section any Acts incorporated with, or put in force under, this section, this Act, together with any Order or Provisional Order under this section, shall be deemed to be the special Act.

(12.) At any inquiry or arbitration held under this section, the person or persons holding the inquiry or arbitration shall hear any authorities or parties whose interests would be affected, by themselves or their agents, and may hear witnesses, but shall not, except with consent of the Board, hear counsel, or more than one expert witness on either side.