HL Deb 02 March 1896 vol 37 c1451

THE LORD CHANCELLOR (LORD HALSBURY), moved, That a Committee of Six Lords be appointed to join with a Committee of the House of Commons to consider all Statute Law Revision Bills and Consolidation Bills of the present Session.

Motion agreed to. The Lords following were named of the Committee:—Lord Chancellor, Earl of Morley, Lord Watson, Lord Herschell, Lord Thring, Lord Welby.

Ordered, That the Committee have power to agree with the Committee of the House of Commons in the appointment of a Chairman.

Then a Message was ordered to be sent to the House of Commons to acquaint them therewith, and to request them to appoint Six Members of that House to be joined with the said Committee pursuant to the Resolution of this House of the 17th of February last and to the Message of the House of Commons of Friday last signifying their concurrence in the said Resolution.


House adjourned at a quarter before Five o'clock, till To-morrow, a quarter past Ten o'clock.