HL Deb 26 June 1896 vol 42 cc135-6

Nothing in this Act shall authorise the County Council to interfere with any sewers or other works of any other County Council, or of a District Council, or of a river authority, used for the purpose of draining any part of their district, without the assent of that council or authority.


said that when he moved the Second Reading of the Bill he undertook that it should not interfere with the rights of any existing water company. In order to carry out that undertaking he now moved to add at the end of the clause the following subsections:— (2) To interfere with the rights, privileges, works, or property of any river authority without the assent of such authority; or (3) To interfere with the supply of water to any watercourse belonging to or under the control of any river authority so as to injuriously affect such supply without the assent of such authority; or (4) To interfere with the supply of water of any person or body of persons supplying water to any town or place so as to injuriously affect such supply without the assent of such person or body of persons.

Amendment agreed to; clause as amended ordered to stand part of the Bill.

Clause 7,—

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