HL Deb 23 June 1896 vol 41 c1659

in moving the Second Reading of this Bill, explained that its object was to transfer the right of patronage to the Chair of Natural History in the University of Edinburgh, which was now exercised by the Crown, to the curators of patronage in the University, and in exchange to transfer to the Crown the right of patronage to the chair of botany, which was now vested in the curators. It was usual that with the chair of botany the professor should hold the office of curator of the Botanical Gardens, an office which was in the patronage of her Majesty, and unless arrangements were made between the appointing parties considerable inconvenience would ensue. It was in the interest of the school of botany that the same person should hold both offices, and with a view to facilitate this a departmental Committee had recommended that the transfer proposed should take place, and the proposal had been agreed to by Her Majesty, the Treasury, and all others who were interested. It was discovered after arrangements had been made that the arrangement could not be given effect to without legislation because the curators of patronage could not transfer their patronage without the consent of Parliament. Under these circumstances he hoped their Lordships would agree to the Second Reading of the Bill.

Read 2a (according to Order), and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Friday next.