§ *THE EARL OF PEMBROKE moved the Second Reading of this Bill. He said the Bill was one to acquire certain houses in St. James's Square, Edinburgh, situated at the back of the Register House, with a view to alter and add to the existing buildings, which were inadequate to the present requirements. Additional accommodation must be found for the records of the General Register Office, and it was proposed to find the accommodation in the rooms now occupied by the clerks in the Sasines Department. These rooms were unhealthily crowded, and were never fitted by construction to be used as offices, but they would do well for the storage of the records, and the clerks would be moved into the new houses in St. James's Square when acquired under the Bill. The Bill passed through the House of Commons without opposition, after agreement had been made to delete Clause 6 and to insert a new proviso in Clause 3. £40,000 had been 9 voted in the Estimates this year to complete the purchase.
§ Read 2a (according to Order), and committed for Monday next.