HL Deb 10 July 1896 vol 42 c1194

said he rose to move the Motion which he had put on the Paper, and which he understood from his noble Friend who represented the Irish Office would be unopposed, provided he made a slight modification in the wording of it. The new form would give a little fuller information, and also bring the information down to a more convenient day. He begged to move for a— Return showing, according to provinces and counties, the results of applications for the re-hearing of cases heard by sub-commissions in each of the three years ended 31st March 1894, 1895 and 1896, setting forth the number of such appeals disposed of, and the number in which the notice of appeal was lodged—(1) by the landlord; (2) by the tenant; (3) by both landlord and tenant: and showing former rent, rent fixed by sub-commission, rent fixed after re-hearing, and differences per cent. between sub-commission rent and rent fixed after rehearing.


said the Government had no objection to grant the Return in the form in which it was now moved.

Motion agreed to.