HL Deb 10 August 1896 vol 44 cc333-5

(1.) Where any land has been sold under the Land Purchase Acts, as amended by this Act, or where a lessor or grantor has signified his consent to the Redemption of Kent (Ireland) Act, 1891, a Land Judge may, if he think fit, order that the sale of such land, or the sale consequent on the lodgment of such consent, as the case may be, shall be made discharged from superior interests as defined by this section or from any of them, and in every such case the land shall be vested accordingly, and such superior interests, or the value thereof, shall become a lien upon, and to be redeemed or satisfied out of the purchase money of such land.

(2.) The powers of apportionment given to the Land Commission by Section ten of the Purchase of Land (Ireland) Act, 1885, and Section sixteen of the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1887, shall extend to superior interests and be exercised in such manner as shall appear equitable, and shall not be limited to an apportionment between the land sold and the residue of the land subject to the superior interest.

(3.) The price or compensation to be paid in respect of a superior interest, or of any apportioned part thereof, shall be determined in the manner provided by Sub-section (3) of Section sixteen of the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1887, for the redemption of annuities, rent-charges, and rents: Provided that, if a Land Judge is of opinion that any such superior interest is of no appreciable value to the persons entitled thereto, the purchase money of the land may be distributed without regard to such superior interest.

(4.) If a superior interest, or the benefit arising thereunder, is settled land within the meaning of the Settled Land Act, 1882 to 1890, the person who constitutes the tenant for life, or who has the powers of a tenant for life under those Acts, shall have power to enter into any consent in relation to the sale being made discharged from such superior interest, and to the redemption or satisfaction of the same out of purchase money.

(5.) Where a superior interest is subject to an incumbrance as defined by the Land Law (Ireland) Act, 1887, the Land Judge shall, for the purpose of distribution of the price or compensation payable in respect of such superior interest, have the same powers as if such incumbrance had been charged directly upon the land sold.

(6.) Superior interest shall include any rent, rent charge, annuity, fees, duties, or services payable or to be rendered in respect of the land sold to any person, including Her Majesty and Her successors, and any exceptions, reservations, covenants, conditions, or agreements contained in any fee-farm grant, or other conveyance in fee, or lease under which such land is held, and, if such land is held under a lease for lives or years, renewable for ever, or for a term of years of which not less than sixty are unexpired at the date of the sale, shall include any reversion or estate expectant on the determination of such lease or expiration of such term, and notwithstanding that such reversion or estate may be vested in Her Majesty and Her successors.

(7.) Nothing in this section shall affect the rights of the public or of any class of the public in respect of the land sold, or the rights of any person or persons in respect of the waters of any stream or watercourse or of any right of way.

(8.) The Land Commission or the High Court shall not in any case be empowered to make any further requisition as to title than a purchaser would be entitled to make under the Vendor and Purchaser Act, 1874, or any Act amending the same.


moved in Sub-section (1) to leave out the words "a Land Judge may, if he think fit, order that."

Amendment agreed to.


moved in Sub-section (1) to leave out the word "from," ("from superior interests,") and to insert instead thereof the word "all."

Amendment agreed to.


moved at the end of Sub-section (1) to insert the full and new Sub-section. 2. A vesting order shall be subject to such exceptions and reservations as are specified in the order, if they were contained in the agreement for purchase or subsequently agreed to by the vendor and purchaser and have been approved by the Land Commission, and the Land Commission are satisfied that the effect of such exceptions and reservations was explained to and understood by the purchaser, or the purchaser is represented by a solicitor other than the solicitor of the vendor.

Amendment agreed to.


moved in Sub-section (3) to leave out the words "a Land Judge is," and to insert instead thereof the words "the Court are."

Amendment agreed to.


moved in Sub-section (5) to leave out the words" Land Judge," and to insert instead thereof the word "Court."

Amendment agreed to.


moved to insert at the begining of Sub-section (6) the words "the expression."

Amendment agreed to.


moved in Sub-section (6) after the words "successors, and any," to insert the word "estate."

Amendment agreed to.


moved in Sub-section (8) to leave out the words "further requisition as to title than a purchaser would be entitled to make under," and to insert instead thereof the words "requisition as to title, the making of which by a purchaser would be prevented by."

Amendment agreed to.

Clause 31,—