§ (1.) The Clauses Acts, as defined by this Act, and the enactments mentioned in the Second Schedule to this Act, shall not apply to a light railway authorised under this Act except so far as they are incorporated or applied by the order authorising the railway.
§ (2.) Subject to the foregoing provisions of this Act and to any special provisions contained in the Order authorising the railway, the general enactments relating to railways shall apply to a light railway under this Act in like manner as they apply to any other railway; and for the purposes of those enactments the light railway company shall be deemed a railway company, and the Order under this Act a special Act, and any provision the roof a special enactment. Provided that a light railway shall not be deemed to be a railway within the moaning of the Act of the fifth and sixth years of Victoria, chapter seventy-nine, entitled "An Act to repeal the Duties payable on Stage Carriages and on Passengers conveyed upon Railways, and certain other Stamp Duties in Great Britain, and to grant other Duties in lieu thereof, and also to amend the Laws relating to the Stamp Duties," and that no duties shall hereafter be levied in respect of passengers conveyed on a light railway constructed under this Act in respect of the conveyance of such passengers upon such railway.
§ *THE EARL OF DUDLEYmoved in Sub-section (2) after the word "enactments" to insert the words—
and of the Clauses Acts so far as they are incorporated or applied by the Order authorising the railwayThis was a technical Amendment which merely added to the machinery provided by the Clauses Acts for bringing into effect schemes authorised under these Orders.
§ Amendment agreed to.
§ *THE EARL OF DUDLEYmoved in Sub-section (2) to omit the words—
Act of the fifth and sixth years of Victoria, chapter seventy-nine, entitled, 'An Act to repeal the duties payable on stage carriages and on passengers conveyed upon railways, and certain other Stamp Duties in Great Britain, and to grant other Duties in lieu thereof, and also to amend the Laws relating to Stamp Duties,'and to insert instead there of the words—" Railway Passenger Duty Act, 1842." 293 This Amendment was merely to incorporate the short title instead of the full.
§ Amendment agreed to.
§ Clause 12, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Bill.
§ Clause 13,—