HL Deb 28 April 1896 vol 40 c3

, in moving the Second Reading of this Bill, said that it was a Bill to enable the Dean and Chapter of London to increase the present endowment of the Archdeaconry of London. At present that endowment was £666 13s. 4d. a year, while all the other Canons had £1,000 a year. The Archdeacon of London, of all other Archdeacons, had the hardest work to do, in inquiring into and reporting to the Bishop on all the various circumstances of which the Bishop of that diocese with its enormous population, ought to have cognisance. The Dean and Chapter had a fund of £12,000 a year which was at their discretion for Cathedral purposes; and they could devote a part of that to raising the income of the Archdeacon to that of the other Canons, as all the other purposes to which the money was applicable were completely provided for. The Archdeacon, if he thought fit, might supplement his income by taking a living; but it was highly desirable that he should not do so; because it was not possible for him properly to discharge the duties of a clergyman of an ordinary parish. The Bill proposed that the Dean and Chapter should pay over a sum of £334 a year to the Archdeacon of London as long as he did not take a living.

Read 2a (according to Order), and committed to a Committee of the Whole House.