HL Deb 05 March 1895 vol 31 cc369-70

, in moving that the Bill be read a second time, said that it had been introduced at the instance of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland, and the object of the Bill was to assimilate the law relating to solicitors in Ireland to that which prevailed in England. In Ireland the governing Act was the Act of I860, which was founded on the English Act of 1860; but the English Act had been amended since in many particulars in which improvements had been made in the law. The intention of this measure was to place the profession in Ireland on the same footing as the profession in England with regard to the qualifications, admission, and discipline; and the Bill consisted almost entirely of details with which he should not be justified in troubling their Lordships; in fact, it consolidated the provisions of the English law and applied them to Ireland. If the Bill were read a second time, it would be reasonable to allow a sufficient period to elapse before the Committee stage in order to enable those who were interested to make themselves acquainted with the details. He had brought in the Bill with the concurrence of Lord Ashbourne and Lord Morris, who had promised to give him every assistance in carrying it.


said, he was entirely in favour of the Second Reading of the Bill, and hoped it would become law without any delay. The solicitor profession in Ireland, as in England, were represented by an Incorporated Law Society, and that was represented by a council composed of the leading men of the profession, men who were sincerely anxious to promote its honour, to secure its dignity, and to serve and advance the cause of public justice. This Bill merely sought to obtain for the profession in Ireland the privileges and rights which had long been enjoyed by their brethren in England; and he was satisfied that if it passed into law it would be found to be, on the whole, a most advantageous measure.


, said the Irish Government had no objection to this Bill. It seemed reasonable to assimilate; in the manner proposed the law of the two countries.

Bill read 2a