HL Deb 25 June 1895 vol 35 c5

THE EARL OF KIMBERLEY moved the Second Reading of this Bill. He said he did not think it necessary for him to explain the Bill. It was simply for the purpose of enabling the Government of this country to fulfil their agreement with Russia, which had lately been renewed, and re-enacted provisions in former Acts with alterations. The only remark he wished to make was with regard to one single point. He understood that objection was taken in another place to leaving out the scheduling of the clauses of the Merchant Shipping Act, which were applicable to the Bill. The reason why that had been done was that when they were in the former Act there was this inconvenience—that the provisions of the Merchant Shipping Act having been altered a year afterwards, the Schedule was no longer correct, and, therefore, any person having the Act in his hands, and not knowing the changes that had been made, would be misled. It was thought better, therefore, that the provisions should not be scheduled, but that a copy of them should be given to the captains of fishing vessels.

Bill read 2a (according to Order): Then Standing Order No. 39, considered (according to Order), and dispensed with: Moved that the Bill be committed to a Committee of the Whole House forthwith; agreed to: House in Committee accordingly: Bill reported without Amendment: Standing Committee negatived: Bill read 3a, and passed.