HL Deb 05 July 1895 vol 35 c246

THE LORD CHANCELLOR moved that this Bill be read a second time. It was a Bill which had passed through the other House with, he believed, general assent, and it would benefit the poorer classes of Her Majesty's subjects. He explained the provisions of the Bill, and pointed out that it would have a very useful effect.


said, he heartily approved of this Bill, which was to some extent a Consolidation Bill. It improved the procedure, and would, he thought, make it more easy than it was at present to protect the wife who was ill-treated by her husband.

Read 2a (according to Order); and (Standing Order No. XXXIX. having been suspended) committed to a Committee of the Whole House forthwith: Bill reported without Amendment: Standing Committee negatived: Bill read 3a, and Passed.