HL Deb 29 May 1894 vol 24 c1505

Order of the Day for the House to be put into Committee, read.

Moved, "That the House do now resolve itself into Committee upon the said Bill."


said, as the Bill came on within 10 minutes of the Sitting of the House yesterday, he was not in his place for the Second Reading. He had no wish to in any way oppose the Bill, but hoped the noble Lord in charge of it would see his way to extend the close time by another month. There could be no object in limiting it to the 1st of February; and the object of the Bill being to afford protection during breeding time, he hoped the noble Lord would make that extension.


said, the objection raised by the noble Lord was also raised by the Marquess of Huntly yesterday, and he had already undertaken to see whether it would be consistent with the character of the Bill to make the proposed alteration.

Motion agreed to; House in Committee accordingly.

Bill reported without Amendment; and re-committed to the Standing Committee.