HL Deb 31 July 1894 vol 27 cc1365-6

Order of the Day for the Second Reading, read.


said, in moving the Second Reading, that this was a very simple Bill which had passed through all its stages in the other House. Its object was to restrict the wearing of uniforms of Her Majesty's Military and Naval Services to those serving in the Forces and to prevent their being worn by persons not directly connected with the Services. Provisions were contained in the Bill for exemption in certain cases, and particularly in the case of semi-public bands. The main object really was to prevent the uniforms of Her Majesty's Forces being used indiscriminately for advertising purposes by men carrying sandwich - boards and other persons parading the streets. The first enacting clause provided that military uniforms should not be worn without authority by any person not serving in Her Majesty's Military Forces nor any other dress having the appearance or bearing the regimental and distinctive marks of such uniforms. Exemption was made in the case of bandsmen at public performances for six years from the passing of the Act. During that period they might continue to wear the then recognised uniform of the band unless it was an exact imitation of a military uniform. In fact, six years were given them to wear out their uniforms. He confessed, for his own part, that he should have been glad if a shorter time had been fixed, and there certainly could be no objection offered on the ground of hardship upon those who had adopted a uniform. Then also persons who had adopted a uniform for the purpose of a stage-play were not to be prevented from wearing it or for circus performances or for bonâ fide military representations. The third clause provided that if uniforms were worn by unauthorised persons in such a way as to bring them into contempt, the wearers would come under the penalty imposed by the Act. He was sure the measure would have their Lordships' sympathy, and begged to move its Second Reading.

Moved, "That the Bill be now read 2a."—(The Lord Chelmsford.)


My Lords, the noble Lord has fully explained the provisions of this Bill. It has passed through the House of Commons after being threshed out in a Select Committee to whom it was referred, and I have only to say that the Government will be glad to assist the object of the measure.


expressed his acknowledgments to Mr. Brookfield and others who piloted the Bill through its different stages in the other House.

Motion agreed to; Bill read 2a accordingly, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Monday next.