HL Deb 24 July 1894 vol 27 c790

Order of the Day for the Third Reading, read.


said, the Home Office had suggested that Clause 1 should be amended to read— And every child sent to an Industrial School, after the passing of this Act, shall, after the expiration of the period of its detention in such school, remain up to the age of 18 under the supervision of the managers of the school. Every child sent to an Industrial School after the passing of the Act would be liable to be detained there until the age of 16. The effect of that would be if it continued law that a child committed only up to the age of 14 would be obliged to be detained until 16. That was an oversight, no doubt, which could be corrected by a verbal Amendment.


said, he had no objection whatever to the Amendment, but thought the Home Office should have submitted it to the House in print that their Lordships might have seen it.


said, he had looked carefully at the Amendment, which was obviously for the purpose of remedying an oversight in the original clause. That oversight, he thought, might be judiciously amended.

Amendments made; Bill passed, and sent to the Commons.