HL Deb 15 January 1894 vol 20 cc1565-6

Brought from the Commons; read 1a.


It may be for the convenience of your Lordships I should state that in putting down the Second Reading of this Bill in the name of my noble Friend Lord Monkswell for Friday next, I do so without any intention on the part of Her Majesty's Government of proceeding with the Second Reading on that day, because the Rill is a long one, and will have to be reprinted and circulated to Members of the House, and no doubt by Friday next they will not have had sufficient time to consider it. I am in communication with my noble Friends opposite, and with Lord Limerick, who acts for them, on the subject of the day on which the Debate on the Second Reading shall be taken. I am not in a position to state what that day will be, but it will be some time next week. I need hardly say that Her Majesty's Government will take care that such a day shall be selected as to afford a reasonable hope that the measure will pass through this House before the House of Commons reassembles.

Bill to be printed; and to be read 2a on Friday next.—(The Lord Monkswell.) (No. 294.)

House adjourned at half past Four o'clock, to Friday next, a quarter past Four o'clock.