THE LORD PRESIDENT OF THE COUNCIL AND SECRETARY OF STATE FOR INDIA (The Earl of KIMBERLEY)My Lords, it is proposed, as we hare every reason to expect that the Local Government Bill will return from the other House this evening, that this House should adjourn during pleasure in order to receive the Bill when it is ready. I had intended to suggest to the House that we should consider on Thursday the Amendments returned to us, but that obviously would be very inconvenient now, and as the noble Marquess opposite has stated to me that he considers Friday would be a proper day, I think that day might be fixed for the purpose.
§ THE MARQUESS OF SALISBURYI do not think I have any ground for differing from the noble Karl. Friday seems, as far as the printing-press is concerned, to be very early, but I do not dissent.
§ House adjourned during pleasure.
§ House resumed.
§ The Lord Kensington—Chosen Speaker in the absence of the Lord Chancellor and the Lords Commissioners.