HL Deb 13 February 1894 vol 21 cc378-9

In moving that the House do adjourn, I may mention that it is proposed to take the Amendments of the House of Commons to the Scotch Fisheries Bill on Friday. If we receive back the Employers' Liability Bill from the House of Commons on Thursday, the Government propose to consider on Monday any Amendments that may be made in the Bill. We shall have to meet formally on Thursday to receive any such Amendments.

Moved, "That this House do now adjourn."—(The Earl of Kimberley.)


thought, under the peculiar circumstances of the case, the House would not object to the short notice that had been given in respect of the consideration of the Amendments to the Scotch Fisheries Bill. He was glad, however, that such notice had been given, in order that the Scotch Peers might have the earliest opportunity of knowing that the Motion was made on that day. As the noble Earl was aware, great changes had been made in the Bill and much interest was taken in Scotland in the matter.

Motion agreed to.

House adjourned at twenty minutes before Seven o'clock, to Thursday next, a quarter past Four o'clock.