HL Deb 17 August 1894 vol 28 cc1376-7

Order of the Day for the Second Reading, read.


I beg to move the Second Reading of this Bill. It was drafted to carry out the recommendations of the Committee of the House of Commons, presided over by Mr. Shaw-Lefevre, appointed in May 1893, to inquire into the manner in which the Railway Companies had carried out the powers conferred on them by Parliament in 1892, with reference to traffic rates. While the Bill was in the House of Commons prolonged negotiations took place, at the instance of the President of the Board of Trade, between the Railway Company and the trades, and by a process of concession on both sides the measure was practically made non-controversial. Certain Amendments were put in the Bill during its progress through the House of Commons; but I do not know that I need call attention to them in detail. I will only say that they were practically agreed upon by both Companies and trades; and consequently this Bill new conies to your Lordships as an absolutely non-contentious measure.

Moved, "That the Bill he now read 2a." (The Lord Monkswell.)

Motion agreed to: Bill read 2a accordingly, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Monday next.