HL Deb 17 August 1894 vol 28 cc1367-8

in presenting a Bill for the purpose of codifying the law relating to Marine Insurance, said: I desire to state that of course I do not do so with any idea of proceeding with the measure this Session. The Bill is an attempt to deal with the subject of marine insurance in the same manner as the Legislature has already dealt with the subject of bills of exchange and the law relating to the sale of goods. It has been drawn by Judge Chalmers, of the Birmingham County Court, who has rendered invaluable service in connection with former Acts codifying particular branches of the law. The work has been done by him in addition to his official duties, which are heavy, simply froth a desire to render public service. I have myself been through the provisions of the Bill, and I believe that it states the existing law on the subject. My object in presenting the Bill now is to invite criticism and suggestions upon it from those conversant with the subject before it is brought before Parliament next Session.

Bill for codifying the law relating to Marine Insurance—Was presented by the Lord Chancellor; read 1a; and to be printed. (No. 219.)