HL Deb 18 May 1893 vol 12 cc1219-20

Standing Order No. XVI. considered.


, in moving that the following alteration be made in Standing Order No. XVI.— In place of the words "betwixt the hours of nine in the morning and five in the evening," insert the words "at any convenient time when the House is sitting either for judicial or other business. said: My Lords, I have heard of many occasions on which noble Lords who have not taken the oath on coming down for that purpose after the hour of 5 o'clock have been much disappointed to find they could not do so under the Standing Order, and have not been able in consequence to take their seats and take part in the business of the House. There appears to he no reason whatever for so rigid a rule, and I have worded my Resolution "at any convenient time." I imagine that would be any time that the Lord Chancellor fixed; but if the noble and learned Lord sees any objection, I do not press it, though I think myself it would be better to leave it in an indefinite position.


My Lords, I do not think there will be any practical inconvenience. I can hardly conceive the possibility of a noble Lord insisting upon taking his seat at a time when the Lord Chancellor is engaged in his judicial business, which he would have to break off for the purpose; for, of course, unless the Lord Chancellor is on the Woolsack a noble Lord cannot take his seat. The matter is in the hands of the Lord Chancellor, but I do not think any practical difficulty will arise.


said, the principal difficulty was with regard to the Tuesday Sittings. On Tuesdays on more than one occasion noble Lords have come down to take their seats and have found under the present Standing Order that they have not been able to do so. I know of three cases on last Tuesday in which noble Lords were either actually within or on their way to the House, and have been unable to take their seats.

Motion agreed to.

Standing Order to be printed, as amended. (No. 103.)