HL Deb 24 March 1893 vol 10 c1028

Order of the Day for the Second Reading, read.


said, he need not detain their Lordships many moments in explaining the character of this Bill. It had passed through all its stages unopposed in the Lower House. Its object was to procure post office sites in London, Liverpool, and Leeds. Almost all the properties required had already been bought by agreement with private owners, who were quite satisfied with the arrangements made. The only peculiarity in the Bill was that, instead of allowing persons who might have easements such as ancient lights to follow the usual procedure, they would not be able to proceed against a large public building by injunction during its erection, but must ask for compensation under the Lands Clauses Act. Under those circumstances, he had only to move the Second Reading of the Bill.

Moved," That the Bill be now read 2a—(The Lord Playfair.)

Motion agreed to; Bill read 2a accordingly, and committed to a Committee of the Whole House on Monday next.