HL Deb 28 February 1893 vol 9 cc549-50

in moving That a humble Address be presented to Her Majesty for a Return of the names of Bills passed by both Houses of the Legislature in Colonies possessing responsible Government to which Her Majesty has not given Her Assent; showing in each case whether the principle contained in such measure is or is not at the present date law in the Colony, said, he had put down the notice on the Paper for this Return, because, although it was unquestioned that Her Majesty had power to disallow the measures passed by the Colonial Legislatures, it might be interesting at this time and under present circumstances to their Lordships, and to the public generally, to learn how far the instructions given by Her Majesty on the advice of Ministers who commanded the confidence of the Imperial Parliament as to withholding Her Assent to any Bill maintained the unquestioned and unquestionable supremacy of the Imperial Prerogative intact.


My Lords, I am authorised by my noble Friend the noble Marquess the Secretary for the Colonies (the Marquess of Ripon) to say he has no objection to the Return which the noble Lord has just asked for.

Motion agreed to.

Address for— Return of the names of Bills passed by both Houses of the Legislature in Colonies possessing responsible Government to which Her Majesty has not given Her Assent; showing in each case whether the principle contained in such measure is or is not at the present date law in the colony."—(The Earl of Onslow.)