HL Deb 04 August 1893 vol 15 c1314

My Lords, I would ask the noble Earl the Leader of the House whether on Tuesday next, as there will not be much to be done, and it might probably be convenient for many noble Lords to be able to leave town at an earlier period than they would otherwise, it would not be advisable for the House to meet at a quarter past 4, instead of half past 5 as usual on Tuesdays?


I quite agree that it would be extremely convenient to everyone, and, therefore, I will give notice that on Monday I shall move that the House do meet at a quarter past 4 on Tuesday instead of half past 5, and the Standing Committee will be fixed for 3 o'clock. I shall also take the opportunity of moving that we meet again after the adjournment at the usual hour of a quarter past 4, as there will be no Standing Committee on that day.