HL Deb 24 March 1892 vol 2 c1634


House in Committee (according to Order).

Clause 3.


My Lords, I understand that the contents of this Bill will be considered in the Standing Committee. I have given no notice to the House; but it appears to me that an amendment is desirable in the last sub-section of Clause 3 so as to enlarge the clause, and I shall certainly be disposed at the proper time to suggest some amendment in that respect.


I quite agree with my noble and learned Friend on the point to which he has called my attention, that it would be desirable to enlarge the terms of this sub-section. I shall be very glad, therefore, if he will propose such an Amendment as he suggests when the Bill is before the Standing Committee. There are several detail Amendments which I propose to suggest then; but as they are matters of detail entirely, of language rather than principle, I have thought it better to defer them to the Standing Committee; more especially as I understand that representatives of Building Societies desire to propose certain Amendments,—they are not prepared with them to-day, but they will be prepared with them by the date when the Bill goes before the Standing Committee,—and as they may affect some of the Amendments that I myself should propose, I have thought it better to take them all together.


There are several observations that arise upon the particular clause in question; but I entirely agree that they would be better discussed in the Standing Committee as they are more or less technical, than in Committee of the Whole House.

Bill reported without amendment and re-committed to the Standing Committee.