HL Deb 17 March 1892 vol 2 c1033

Amendments reported (according to order).

Clause 6.


My Lords, there is a small verbal Amendment, which I think I may say most people agree ought to be made in Clause 6. The clause reads at present— The Rule Committee—that is to say, the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Chief Justice of England, the Judge of each Provincial Court, and so on. That looks to persons, who do not know exactly what the law is, as if there were two Provincial Courts and two Judges; and I am not speaking merely by guess, because those of your Lordships who were present in Committee the other day will remember that there was some confusion about it. I had not at the time the Bill of last year with me, and I thought this clause might have been copied from it; but I have looked at the Bill of last year since and found that it was quite right there; for it runs "the Judge of the Provincial Courts." There is only one Judge, by Act of Parliament, and this looks as if there were two. Therefore I beg to move that the clause should be amended in that way.

Amendment agreed to; and Bill to be read 3a to-morrow.